Logo de 22nd International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence & 20th International Symposium on Luminescence Spectroscopy
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Logo 22nd ISBC & 20th ISLS

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Program Book


It is our pleasure to announce the XXII International Symposium of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (ISBC) and the XX International Symposium of Luminescence Spectroscopy (ISLS) as a joint meeting to be held from June 3d to 7th 2024, in Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil, near the stunning Iguaçú Falls, a UNESCO natural heritage site and a biodiversity hotspot. 

Conference venue: Bourbon Cataratas Iguaçu Resort Hotel, Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil

Conference dates: June 3d to 7th, 2024.

During the ISBC/ISLS last event, in Gijón, Spain, Brazil was selected to host the next event in 2024. Brazil is a large growing economy country. It has a rich biodiversity of bioluminescent organisms, which has fostered several discoveries and the generation of new biotechnological applications in the biomedical and environmental areas in recent decades. The community of Luminescence Spectroscopy is large in South America.

Logo 22nd ISBC & 20th ISLS

This event is a four-day conference, including: plenary, invited and keynote sessions delivered by international recognized speakers; oral sessions where invited and selected contributions present their most relevant results; poster sessions for selected contributions, expositions and social activities.

We expect a large and exciting multidisciplinary event consisting of scientists, engineers, students, and professionals who will discuss, exchange ideas, foster interaction between industry and academy, and will substantially contribute to the dissemination of the most recent scientific and technological advances in bioluminescence, chemiluminescence and photoluminescence. This event also expected to contribute to sustainable development, through the dissemination of the many applications of luminescence for bioindication, biosensing and bioimaging in medicine, environment and industry.

Our utmost interest is to develop a scientific event that strengthens and combines our knowledge, and is an encouragement to continue the development of our scientific activity.

We look forward to meet you at Iguaçu Falls!

Vadim Viviani






Coordinator: Vadim Viviani (CCTS, UFSCar): viviani@ufscar.br

Vice-coordinator: Cassius V. Stevani (IQ-USP): stevani@iq.usp.br

Secretary: Profa. Iselí Nantes (UFABC): ilnantes@gmail.com

Treasurer: Cynthia Sayuri Bando (Brazilian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; SBBq)


Coordinator: Prof. Oscar L. Malta (Univ. Federal de Pernambuco): oscar.malta@ufpe.br

Scientific committee

ISBC and ISLS Councils.